The Grove School Magazine

About The Grove School Magazine


Education marks the beginning of a child’s journey through life and into adulthood. It provides the foundation for a child’s character, moulding future actions and values. It shapes a child’s personality and creates impressions that will last a lifetime. It is only through education that future of the nation and its citizens can be moulded. It is not just education but the creativity in a child that moulds a child to be a good citizen.

In today’s competitive world, preparing a child for academic excellence is essential. But education should also develop creativity. A child must develop the ability to think innovatively in order to excel in the field of his/her choice.

The Philosophy of The Grove School is based on the vision of Sir C. P. Ramaswami Aiyar.

“The school shall have served its purpose best, fulfilled its object effectively, if, in addition to the teaching of the three R’s and all the things that go by the scholastic name, the wonderful niceties of life are so inculcated, without which man as a gregarious animal would be written down in history as a failure.

Let the school be the centre, the nucleus, the focus, radiating not distrust, not factions, not a spirit of partnership, but the spirit of oneness and harmony towards conjoint effort and the fulfilment of conjoint purpose and the reaching towards that goal for which all of us are yearning.”

Sir. C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar

The Grove School has been established by the C. P. Ramaswami Aiyar Foundation, Chennai in the year 2004. It is a school with a difference, which aims to provide quality education and creative thinking. It is with this in mind that the school has launched its E-Magazine with the purpose of bringing out the creativity and innovativeness in every child.

2 comments on “About The Grove School Magazine

  1. srikalaganapathy
    September 6, 2012


  2. srikalaganapathy
    September 6, 2012

    Our hearty congratulations to the Grove school team!This effort is a great encouragement for the children! Keep it up! – Mother of G . Niveditha . Class 4.

    Really look forward to see my daughters articles too in the website 🙂

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